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Episode 86 | How to Build a Brand and Not ONLY a Business

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Why create a business? In episode 85, why spoke about WHY, and today we will speak about HOW to create a brand! Now, let’s speak about HOW we will create a brand and not just a business.

  1. Here are the four tips on HOW to create a Brand! 

    1. Learn as much as you can about who is the Ideal Customer Avatar - also known as - ICA or avatar - who is your business meant to serve? - great to understand their psychographics and demographics. 
    2. Create an emotional connection to the brand through copy and other mediums. A feel-good emotion will connect your ICA to the brand and help to increase the lifetime value of your customer. 
    3. What does your logo look like- keep it simple while eye-catching and ensure it’s consistent on all social platforms.
    4. Socialize your brands so your ICA knows your business exists. Influencer marketing can help you achieve this goal with less stress. 

    Catch the Training - How to sell more with Influencer Marketing Training: https://www.bossitclub.com/IMME

    Remember, it will take time for a brand name to grow, but once it does, it will be hard to keep up with the business as your brand will be doing a lot of the selling for you! 

    Remember, you got this!

    P.s. Catch episode 85 all about WHY you need to take the time to create a brand by clinking over to www.bossitclub.com/85

     Team Dklutr Production