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Episode 85 | Why Build a Brand and Not ONLY a Business

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Time to speak pretty openly about why building a brand and not only a business is the best strategy to ensure longevity! Yes, it will take more energy and time upfront but it is well worth it! 

  1. Reduce your customer acquisition cost - building a brand will help to increase customer loyalty and will result in referring others customers. This will reduce acquisition costs plus expand your customer base!
  2. Due to the increased brand loyalty, you will have a greater return customer rate further increasing the lifetime value of your customer and profits for your company.
  3. Connecting the brand’s story to emotion will further help with brand loyalty further propelling sales and profits without increasing marketing spending.  Sell more products with less hesitation.
  4. Building your brand will help you pivot to other items in the market if your main product goes “out of trend”.
  1. Remember to follow us on Instagram @bossitclub

    If you want to check out our other business you can head to alsosophia.com or follow us on Instagram at @also_sophia

    Remember you got this! 

  2. Team Dklutr Production