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Episode 81 | How to Start Over Again in Business

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How to start again in business? 

It can be so difficult if things don’t work out the first time in business, or if you need to take a pause in business and you now need to “start again”.

I want to share with you 3 tips on how to start over again in business so it’s easier to hit “restart” or “unpause”.

1. Change your perspective of your business and look at it as an experiment. You will have a hypothesis, or educated guess, or what will work and then you will take action and test your educated guess. You will measure the results in your business, such as volume of sales, or conversion rate on your website and see what will work. Even if your experiment does not work, you have still gained valuable knowledge regarding what will work and what will not in the future. You can use the knowledge and experience from any past business or experiment and apply it to your future business strategies!

2. What transferable skills can you take from your past experience in business or in other areas of your life, which you can apply to your present-day situation. A common skill that many of us may not notice is the ability to delegate tactfully to our family members and then use the same skill to delegate to team members. Look at different domains in your life and see what skills you can borrow and apply to your business.

3. Take a business break-in place from the start. Do not get all consumed by your business and place boundaries between your business and life’s other domains. Be mindful of your time, energy and space and ensure you have boundaries for each domain. For example, ensure you have a space in your house that will be free from the “business” and work on your business when your energy is at it’s best. 

Remember, it is completely reasonable to take a “pause” in your business or if required press “restart”. If you can reframe your perspective using these tips, you will feel more energised and ready to jump back into action!

You got this!

Team Dklutr Production