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Episode 80 | 5 Tips on How to Use Social Media Optimally and Prevent Doomscrolling

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We’re here for you!   

Time to talk about a nasty habit that many of us have scummed to… Doomscrolling… a common habit of scrolling on social media, which could contribute to unintentionally looking for negativity.

In this episode, we speak about how to avoid this nasty phenomenon and ways to use social media constructively for our businesses!

1. Contribute by posting on social media before you scroll and consume. It is easy enough to jump on social media and start consuming but as a business, you need to show up and contribute at a regular cadence. Your cadence could be once a week, once a day, or 2 times a day. Regardless of the cadence, you need to keep up with it, to ensure your audience and the algorithms know that you’re still around as a participant. Attempt to create a habit where you only consume when you post. Engage with the content you are seeing, so you are consuming the content with intention. Your attention is the most valuable resource and when you engage with the content, you not only make a real connection with another person, but you’re also telling the algorithm that you like that type of content and the algorithm will then present similar content and perhaps more opportunity to make real connections.

2. Schedule the time you will engage with social media and using the tips above, ensure you are actively engaging when you do jump on social media. If you can create a schedule to post, then create “social media engagement time” before and after the created content has been posted. This will help keep your account active around posting time.

3. Remove the social media apps from your phone's Home Screen. If clicking on the social media app has become a compulsion, then you should consider removing the apps from your home screen or deleting them from your phone and only using the desktop version.

4. Find an app that will put a time control on your usage. I know it can become difficult to stop the compulsion of scrolling and if you find yourself going over the time allotted to social media engagement, then a time-limiting app for social media might be your answer.

5.  Replace your scrolling habit with another activity that will give you the same level of “downtime” or “transition time”. Consider journaling or reading as a replacement for social media scrolling. The activity you select should be something that will uplift you and provide you with positive energy!

Take one or two or all of these tips and apply them to your own situation to ensure you’re not succumbing to Doomscrolling! 

Remember you got this! Head to bossitclub.com/podcast to find more fantastic episodes! 


Team Dklutr Production