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Episode 79 | Tips on How to Transition Into a New Career or Business

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Let’s talk all about transitions and how to manage transitions like a boss! 

In this episode, I give you a little update on my current career transition as I move into an executive director role. To help me manage this transition, I am using specific strategies and I want to share these with you! 

I also want to give you the “real- lay of the land”, as you transition from a full-time career to potentially a full-time business owner. The road is not always in a straight path and there may be points where you need to supplement your income to help keep your business and lifestyle afloat and this is perfectly fine!  

Ok here are the tips to help you transition during times of change in your business, career, or lifestyle. 

  1. Prepare yourself - Can you reframe your mindset? You will need to prepare your mindset by allowing yourself the grace to be kind to you, understanding it might take a little more energy and time to get acquainted with all the “new” and also letting others know as well, that you won’t have all the answers at the beginning. 
  2. Preparing your family and supports - have an open dialogue with your family and friends including setting expectations. You need to be able to ask all for help and delegate out tasks.  When you delegate tasks, you need to be specific and do not assume that family and friends can “read your mind”. If you need help, then let them know by asking with words rather than telepathically. Also if you can set the expectation with family and friends that you need a task to be completed or “owned” by them moving forward, you do not need to ask every day for a task completion, which could still add to your mental load. 
  3. Preparing your Team - As with your family and supports, you will want to set expectations as you transition with your team.  You will need to delegate new tasks or modify existing delegated tasks.  The goal is to remove demands off your responsibility list, so you are not becoming overwhelmed as your transition. If you are working for yourself and you do not have a team, you can start dividing out your tasks so when you are ready to hire your first virtual assistant, you know exactly what set of tasks to provide them! Also start setting boundaries with your time and space so your new transition roles do not take over your personal life and prevent you to rest and recoup daily. 

If you find these tips helpful, start putting them into action and share this episode with a friend! 

Head to bossitclub.com/podcast to listen to more great episodes.

Team Dklutr Production