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Episode 73 | How to Achieve Your Goals in 2022!

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In this episode...


We’re here for you!   

I want to share with you three tips on how to achieve your goals a little easier this year! Here are the three big tips I use in my profession, business, and family life!

Here they are: 

  1. Make your goal specific and action-oriented with a set frequency.   
  2. Schedule your specific action-oriented goal. For example, use the strategy of time-blocking to ensure you have committed time in your calendar 
  3. Find an accountability group or partner! This single task will keep you accountable for your action-oriented goal and time-block commitments! 

Now it’s time to get going! Take a minute to think of an actual goal you are trying to accomplish and may not be getting into full momentum. Now apply these three tips and see what happens! I dare you 😊

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You Got This!

Team Dklutr Production